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Complaints Board / Complaints and Reviews: Modera...
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 17, 2023, 09:26 PM
Complaint Board Guidelines

Dissatisfied with a Moderator's Decision?
In the Complain Board, if you feel a decision made by a moderator was unfair, you're encouraged to post your concerns.

This board is under the watchful eye of a different moderator or administrator who wasn't involved in the original case, ensuring a fair and impartial review.

Our Commitment to Transparency:
We are dedicated to maintaining transparency in all B&U Staff activities.

Adherence to Forum Rules:
Please remember that the Complain Board is an official part of the forum and all forum rules apply strictly.

Open to All Members:
Whether you're directly involved in a complaint or just wish to add to the discussion, all members are welcome here.

Strategies / Dota Strategies and Gameplays:...
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 17, 2023, 09:00 PM
Welcome to the 'Strategies' Section

Discover and share a wealth of Dota strategies and hero gameplays right here! Whether you're into crafting intricate strategies or capturing epic gameplay moments, this is your ultimate platform.

Dive Into Diverse Strategies:
Engage with a variety of tactics, discuss the nuances of different heroes, and explore innovative gameplay techniques.

Share and Watch Gameplay Videos:
Bring your Dota experience to life by sharing your gameplay videos or watching others take on the battlefield.

Discuss Item Builds:
Learn about different item builds, their strategic uses, and how they can elevate your game.

So, step in, exchange your best Dota tips, and continuously evolve your gameplay with insights from fellow enthusiasts!
DotA Discussions / Share Your Memorable Dota Game...
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 17, 2023, 08:45 PM
Share Your Dota Games & Videos!

Got a Game That Cracked You Up or Left You Amazed?
In this thread, we invite you to share those Dota games that made you laugh, left you in awe, or were simply awesome.

Videos That Entertain and Impress:
Post your funniest, most impressive Dota videos. Whether they made you chuckle or drop your jaw, if they're worth sharing, this is the place for it.

Tell Us What Makes Them Special:
When posting, add a short description explaining what makes these games or videos unique and entertaining.

This is your platform to highlight and talk about those unforgettable Dota moments. Let's celebrate the fun and the fantastic together!
Technical support / Questions
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 17, 2023, 07:33 PM

For any technical inquiries or support, feel free to ask your questions here. Our team is ready to assist you.

Suggestions / Rules
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 17, 2023, 07:20 PM

Basic Rules

  • 1- It is forbidden to disrespect, threaten etc. to administrators.
    QuotePunishment: Account ban / IP ban / Etc.

  • 2- It is forbidden to use any program like maphacks etc.

    QuotePunishment: Account ban / IP ban / Etc.

  • 3- It is forbidden to use foul language which is not limited to swears, racism, and sexual terms.

    QuotePunishment: Account ban / IP ban / Etc.

  • 4- It is forbidden to create an account using offensive language and using websites as a username for an account.

    QuotePunishment: Account ban

  • 5- It is forbidden to advertise other online games and/or websites.

    QuotePunishment: Account ban

  • 6- It is forbidden to advertise sexual services and/or porn.

    QuotePunishment: Account ban

  • 7- It is forbidden to impersonate administrators or other players.

    QuotePunishment: Account ban

  • 8- It is forbidden to challenge or argue against an administrator's decision unless it's a reasonable complaint in the «Complaint Against Admin» board..

    QuotePunishment: Account ban

  • 9- It is forbidden to express racism and/or nationalism.

    QuotePunishment: Account ban

  • 10- It is forbidden to buy, sell, or trade accounts, or transfer statistics to another player.

    QuotePunishment: Clear statistics / Ban sending and receiving account.

  • 11- Other

    11.1- The administration reserves the right to interpret and handle issues that are not explicitly described in these rules and shall decide on the punishment based on what may feel necessary to impose upon.

    11.2- The administration reserves the right to refuse service without explanation.

    11.3- The administration reserves the right to impose penalties not listed in this table, as it is not possible to document every potential infraction.

NOTE: Please ensure that all your posts on the forum are in English; posts not adhering to this language requirement are subject to removal.

Announcements / Welcome
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 17, 2023, 06:03 PM
Welcome to!

Open to All Dota Enthusiasts!
Our server is welcoming to everyone, offering an array of DotA experiences. Dive into the world of Dota with us!

Choose Your Adventure:
For the lovers of the classic DotA, 'DotA_Allstars_6.90a8.w3x' awaits you. And if you're looking to explore the newer terrains, give 'DotA_Allstars_7.04c3.w3x' a try. We've got both, ready for your enjoyment.

So, pick your favorite map and join the fun at! Whether you're a fan of the old school or eager to explore new strategies, there's a place for you here. Let's play DotA!
General Discussion / How To Create A Game
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 17, 2023, 05:07 PM
Our bot is open to everyone, offering a flexible gaming experience for all DotA enthusiasts. Whether you prefer the classic 'DotA_Allstars_6.90a8.w3x' map or wish to delve into the newer 'DotA_Allstars_7.04c3.w3x', we have you covered. Our bots host both maps, ensuring you can enjoy your preferred version of the game at any time. Dive into the action and choose the map that suits your style!

How to Host a ladder DotA game:

  • At First Join DOTA channel by typing /join DOTA or /join DOTAv7
  • Type /w DOTA !pub <game name> or /w DOTAv7 !pub <game name> to create a public ladder DotA game.
  • Join the lobby of the hosted game by selecting it in the game list.
    Once you're in the lobby, here are some useful commands you can use:
  • !rall – Show everyone's PSR (Player Skill Rating) in the lobby.
  • !sd [name] – Displays your ladder DotA stats. Optionally, you can add a player's name to check their stats.
  • !kick <name> – Kick a player from the lobby.
  • !lock <nickname> – Locks a player to their current team. This ensures they remain on that team even after shuffling or balancing. If you use the command without a nickname, it will show all currently locked players.

      4. When everything is ready:
  • !balance – Balance the teams based on players' PSR.
  • !start – Start the game.


1. Join the channel
Quote/join DOTA
1. Join the channel
Quote/join DOTAv7

2. Create the game
Quote/w DOTA !pub ap

!pubCreates public ladder DotA game
!hcl <rd/sd/ap/cm>Sets the mode for the game.
!balanceBalances the game.
!startstarts the game

How to Host 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 DotA Games:

1. At First, Join Warcraft III channel by typing /join w3

2. Then, type /w dotaeurope !pub <full or partial map name> to create your custom game using any map uploaded via the platform.

3. Join the game lobby.

4.  Once the game is hosted, to keep it visible at the top of the game list, every half minute or so rehost the game with a different name,
for example: !pub DotA Allstars 6.90a8

5. Start the game !start

6. When the game starts, type the game mode:   
For example: -apsh, -apom, etc.

Modes  Description
-apAll players can freely choose any hero from the entire hero pool.
-arEach player is assigned a random hero.
-sdEvery player is given three random heroes to choose from, one for each attribute: Strength, Agility, and Intelligence.
-rdHeroes are selected in turns from a random pool. Both teams alternate picking heroes.
-cmTeam captains take turns selecting heroes and can ban certain heroes from the pool.
-dmWhen a player dies, they respawn with a different hero. The game ends when a team runs out of available heroes.
-omThe game is restricted to the middle lane only.
-shAll players use the same hero, meaning both teams will have identical hero compositions.
-aaPlayers can only pick heroes from the Agility attribute.
-aiPlayers can only pick heroes from the Intelligence attribute.
-asPlayers can only pick heroes from the Strength attribute.
-mrA random game mode is chosen before the match starts, so players won't know which mode will be active until the game begins.
-mmBoth teams play with the same set of heroes, resulting in identical lineups for both sides.


1. Join the channel
Quote/join w3

2. Create the game
Quote/w dotaeurope !pub DotA Allstars 6.90a8

3. Join the game lobby.

4. Rehost the game to keep it at the top of the list
Quote!pub Dota 1x1

5. Start the game

6.When the game starts, type the game mode

How to Host a Custom Game:

1. At First, Join Warcraft III channel by typing /join w3

2. Then, type /w dotaeurope !pub <full or partial map name> to create your custom game using any map uploaded via the platform.

3. Once the game is hosted, to keep it visible at the top of the game list, every half minute or so rehost the game with a different name, for example: !pub legion TD +1

4. When you're ready, simply type !start to begin your custom game.


1. Join the channel
Quote/join w3

2. Create the game
Quote/w dotaeurope !pub Legion TD Mega 3.43

3. Rehost the game to keep it at the top of the list
Quote!pub Legion TD +1

4. Start the game

Download Custom Maps:

- You can download custom maps via:
    5. Enjoy your custom game!


You can check the rest of the bot commands from here.
General Discussion / Bot Commands
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 17, 2023, 04:04 PM
"Our bot uses the '!' (exclamation mark) as the primary trigger for initiating commands. This trigger is specifically designed for executing commands related to DotA ladder games and general channel bot operations. When interacting with our bot, simply prefix your command with '!' to engage the desired functionality efficiently. For example, '!ping' or '!rall' would be the correct format to use when issuing commands to the bot."

Inside DOTA channel
!checkban [name]You can check whether you or another player is banned or not.
!lobbiesDisplay all lobbies.
!lobby <number>Display information about a specific lobby, including the owner and players list.
!gamesDisplays the number of ongoing games and available lobbies. For example: games [1] lobbies [1].
!game <number>Display information about a specific ongoing game, including the owner and players list.
!pubCreates public DotA ladder game.
!sd [name]Displays your ladder DotA stats, optionally add [name] to display stats for another player.
Game lobby(for all)
!check [name]You can check status of any player.
!checkmeCheck your own status.
!fDisplay the country each player is from.
!from [name]Display the country each player is from.
!gnDisplays current game name.
!hclDisplays current the game mode
!ownerDisplays who's the current game owner.
!pShow everyone's ping.
!pingShow everyone's ping.
!r [name]Displays the PSR points to be gained or lost based on the outcome of the game.
!rallShow everyone's PSR
!rsThe !rs command displays the percentage chance of winning for each team after they have been balanced using the !balance command, showing the likelihood of victory for each side.
!sd [name]Displays your ladder DotA stats, optionally add [name] to display stats for another player.
!topDisplays ladder top 10 DotA players.
Game lobby (owner)
!aAbort countdown.
!abortAbort countdown.
!balancebalance the slots based on PSR
!close <number>Close slot or slots.
!closeallclose all open slots
!hold <name>The player will be holded.
!lock <nickname>Locks a player to their current team, ensuring they stay on that team even after shuffling or balancing. When used without a nickname, it displays all locked players.
!kick <name>Kick the player.
!latency [number]Set game latency to [number] (80-120), leave blank to see current latency.
!open <number>Open slot or slots.
!openallOpen all closed slots.
!priv [game name]Rehost as private game [game name].
!pub [game name]Rehost as public game [game name].
!spShuffle players.
!start [force]Starts the game, optionally add force to skip checks
!swap <n1> <n2>Swap slots.
!synclimit [number]Set sync limit for the lag screen (50-250), leave blank to see current sync limit.
!sync [number]Set sync limit for the lag screen (50-250), leave blank to see current sync limit.
!unhostUnhost the game.
!topDisplays ladder top 10 DotA players.
!autodisplaystats Auto display joiner's DotA stats.(you can set it on/off).
Game (for all)
!autobanShows autoban status, if it is off, you can leave the game without getting autobanned
!fDisplay the country each player is from.
!ffForfeit (surender) the game to oposing team.
!fromDisplay the country each player is from.
!gnDisplays current game name.
!ownerDisplays who's the current game owner
!pShows everyone's ping.
!pingShows everyone's ping.
!r [name]Displays the PSR points to be gained or lost based on the outcome of the game.
!rallshow everyone's PSR
!rmkStart votermk or vote in votermk.
!rsThe !rs command displays the percentage chance of winning for each team after they have been balanced using the !balance command, showing the likelihood of victory for each side.
!sd [name]Displays your ladder DotA stats, optionally add [name] to display stats for another player.
!votekick <name>Starts a votekick against a player.
!yesvote yes to kick a player after someone used !votekick.
!topDisplays ladder top 10 DotA players.
In game (owner).
!latency [number]Set game latency , leave blank to see current latency.
!muteallMute global chat (allied and private chat still works).
!syncSet sync limit for the lag screen, leave blank to see current sync limit.
!unmuteallUnmute global chat.
General Discussion / Forum BBcodes List
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 17, 2023, 10:37 AM
BBcodes List

Makes the text bigger.               
Example: Bold

Makes the text italic.
Example: italic

Underlines the text.
Example: Underline

Makes a line in the in the middle of the text.
Example: Strikethrough

Prefomatted Text
Prefomatted Text    Prefomatted Text    Prefomatted Text    Prefomatted Text    Prefomatted Text    Prefomatted Text    Prefomatted Text    Prefomatted Text    Prefomatted Text   


Left Align
Aligns the text on the left side.
Left Align

Centers the text.

Right Align
Aligns the text on the right side.
Right Align

Font "changer"
Changes the font of the text.
Example: Font"changer"
[font=courier]text[/font] [font=arial]text[/font] [font=arial black]text[/font] [font=impact]text[/font] [font=verdana]text[/font] [font=times new roman]text[/font] [font=georgia]text[/font] [font=andale mono]text[/font] [font=trebuchet ms]text[/font] [font=comic sans ms]text[/font]

Size "changer"
Changes the size of the text.
Example: Size "changer"
You can put any number (size=15/16/20/50 - pt)

Color "changer"
Changes the color of the text.
Example: Color"changer"

Hides the text under spoiler.
Example: [spoiler]Spoiler[/spoiler]

Insert Image

Inserts an image.

Insert Hyperlink
Inserts an url.
Example: Insert Hyperlink

Insert Email

Inserts an email.
Example: Insert Email

Adds a glow to the text.
Example: [glow=red,2,300]Glow[/glow]
You can add any glow color by editing the color red to any other color, color list here

Adds a shadow to the text.
Example: [shadow=red,left]Shadow[/shadow]
You can add any shdow color and shadow site by editing the color red to any other color and the site left to any site, color list here

Moves the text.
Example: [move]Marquee[/move]   

Superscripts the code.
Example: Superscript

Subscripts the text.
Example: Subscript

Teletypes the text.
Example: [tt]Teletype[/tt]   

Insert Table
Inserts a table.
Column 1Column 2
Item 1Item 2
Item 3Item 4

[td]Column 1[/td]
[td]Column 2[/td]
[td]Item 1[/td]
[td]Item 2[/td]
[td]Item 3[/td]
[td]Item 4[/td]

Insert Code
Inserts a code (bbcodes will appear as text).
Example:Insert Code[code]text[/code]

Insert Quote

Adds a quote to the text.
QuoteInsert Quote

Insert Unordered List
Inserts an unordered list.
  • Insert Unordered List
  • Insert Unordered List
You can make more "points" by adding (li) (/li) with [] in the bbcode


Insert Ordered List

Inserts an ordered list.
  • Insert Ordered List
  • Insert Ordered List
You can make more "numbers" by adding (li) (/li) with [] in the bbcode


Horizontal Rule
Adds an horizontal line.


Insert Flash
Inserts a link to an animated flash file in .swf format.
You can edit the size of flash by editing the numbers "200".

Displays the full expression for the abbreviation on mouseover.
Example: DIP
[abbr=dRago is pro]DIP[/abbr]

Displays the full expression for the acronym on mouseover.
Example: [acronym=dRagoLjuB is proest pro :D ]DIPP:D[/acronym]
[acronym=dRagoLjuB is proest pro]DIPP:D[/acronym]

Insert Time

Converts a Unix Timestamp into a time recognizable by people.
Example: Nov 24, 2005, 07:10 AM

Linking in the same topic
Links you to a specific word/line in the topic.
[iurl=#tag](iurl=#text)text(/iurl)[/iurl] []

No BB code
Ignores BBcodes in the text.
Example: [b]some text[/b]
[nobbc][b]some text[/b][/nobbc]

Inserts a countdown to a specific time/date.
Example: [countdown=1,1,9999,1,1][/countdown]
General Discussion / Re: New Formus!
Last post by TheJOkerBOY - Dec 16, 2023, 07:07 PM
hello welcome to our forum