Bot Commands

Started by TheJOkerBOY, Dec 17, 2023, 04:04 PM

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"Our bot uses the '!' (exclamation mark) as the primary trigger for initiating commands. This trigger is specifically designed for executing commands related to DotA ladder games and general channel bot operations. When interacting with our bot, simply prefix your command with '!' to engage the desired functionality efficiently. For example, '!ping' or '!rall' would be the correct format to use when issuing commands to the bot."

Inside DOTA channel
!checkban [name]You can check whether you or another player is banned or not.
!lobbiesDisplay all lobbies.
!lobby <number>Display information about a specific lobby, including the owner and players list.
!gamesDisplays the number of ongoing games and available lobbies. For example: games [1] lobbies [1].
!game <number>Display information about a specific ongoing game, including the owner and players list.
!pubCreates public DotA ladder game.
!sd [name]Displays your ladder DotA stats, optionally add [name] to display stats for another player.
Game lobby(for all)
!check [name]You can check status of any player.
!checkmeCheck your own status.
!fDisplay the country each player is from.
!from [name]Display the country each player is from.
!gnDisplays current game name.
!hclDisplays current the game mode
!ownerDisplays who's the current game owner.
!pShow everyone's ping.
!pingShow everyone's ping.
!r [name]Displays the PSR points to be gained or lost based on the outcome of the game.
!rallShow everyone's PSR
!rsThe !rs command displays the percentage chance of winning for each team after they have been balanced using the !balance command, showing the likelihood of victory for each side.
!sd [name]Displays your ladder DotA stats, optionally add [name] to display stats for another player.
!topDisplays ladder top 10 DotA players.
Game lobby (owner)
!aAbort countdown.
!abortAbort countdown.
!balancebalance the slots based on PSR
!close <number>Close slot or slots.
!closeallclose all open slots
!hold <name>The player will be holded.
!lock <nickname>Locks a player to their current team, ensuring they stay on that team even after shuffling or balancing. When used without a nickname, it displays all locked players.
!kick <name>Kick the player.
!latency [number]Set game latency to [number] (80-120), leave blank to see current latency.
!open <number>Open slot or slots.
!openallOpen all closed slots.
!priv [game name]Rehost as private game [game name].
!pub [game name]Rehost as public game [game name].
!spShuffle players.
!start [force]Starts the game, optionally add force to skip checks
!swap <n1> <n2>Swap slots.
!synclimit [number]Set sync limit for the lag screen (50-250), leave blank to see current sync limit.
!sync [number]Set sync limit for the lag screen (50-250), leave blank to see current sync limit.
!unhostUnhost the game.
!topDisplays ladder top 10 DotA players.
!autodisplaystats Auto display joiner's DotA stats.(you can set it on/off).
Game (for all)
!autobanShows autoban status, if it is off, you can leave the game without getting autobanned
!fDisplay the country each player is from.
!ffForfeit (surender) the game to oposing team.
!fromDisplay the country each player is from.
!gnDisplays current game name.
!ownerDisplays who's the current game owner
!pShows everyone's ping.
!pingShows everyone's ping.
!r [name]Displays the PSR points to be gained or lost based on the outcome of the game.
!rallshow everyone's PSR
!rmkStart votermk or vote in votermk.
!rsThe !rs command displays the percentage chance of winning for each team after they have been balanced using the !balance command, showing the likelihood of victory for each side.
!sd [name]Displays your ladder DotA stats, optionally add [name] to display stats for another player.
!votekick <name>Starts a votekick against a player.
!yesvote yes to kick a player after someone used !votekick.
!topDisplays ladder top 10 DotA players.
In game (owner).
!latency [number]Set game latency , leave blank to see current latency.
!muteallMute global chat (allied and private chat still works).
!syncSet sync limit for the lag screen, leave blank to see current sync limit.
!unmuteallUnmute global chat.